A wonderful flank steak on the grill recipe I invented that friends just love! My girls think this is great, and it doesn't take long to grill. This also...
This is a great recipe for parties. I freeze the leftovers; they reheat quite well. The zesty chicken and cooked peppers are a succulent delight when mixed...
This quick and easy taco bake will satisfy even the most picky eaters. You can modify it to add things you love. It's yummy and so easy to make! Top with...
This is an authentic recipe for mojito. I sized the recipe for one serving, but you can adjust it accordingly and make a pitcher full. It's a very refreshing...
Here is a classic Cuban recipe for ground beef that is typically eaten over white rice. It can also be used as a filling for tacos or empanadas. It's delicious...
Someone gave me this recipe a few years back and it's become a household favorite. You can use mild, medium or hot salsa depending on your taste. I usually...
This is an easy and very tasty dish. I often substitute ground turkey and low fat dairy products and it is still delicious! Serve with chips, salsa and...
This yummy steak filling is sure to tingle your taste buds. It's easy to make ahead and when ready, it cooks quickly for a filling meal. Optional: serve...
I like red snapper for this, but any white, flaky fish will work. By the way, many Veracruz-style fish recipes call for pickled jalapenos, but I think...
I had been looking for a Tamale recipe for years. One day I went to the international market and stood in the Mexican aisle till a woman with a full cart...
Just like your favorite Mexican restaurant! This unique, flavorful sauce and light, crispy batter will make it worth the little effort and time to prepare...
These are delicious curry-flavored beef pastries that can be found in Jamaica and other Caribbean islands. Try serving them with some Peas and Rice, or...
Picadillo is a popular dish in most South American cuisines. It is made with lean ground beef (or can be made with ground turkey as well), tomatoes, potatoes,...
This authentic recipe was given to me by a visiting Argentinean professor while I was studying Spanish in college. They have become a staple food in my...
This cake is made with three layers: Cake, filling, and topping. There are 4 types of milk in the filling and topping (whole milk, condensed milk, evaporated...
Here's how I build a Cuban, or Cubano, sandwich. I like to use pulled pork. Carnitas would work too. These ingredients and amounts are open to your own...
This recipe combines many of the spices that I grew up with and that have become a distinctive part of much of my cooking including dishes such as chili...
This Mexican casserole with beef and rice is a super easy recipe for family dinner. Garnish with your favorite toppings. I like to top with shredded lettuce...
These crab and shrimp stuffed enchiladas taste like the ones served at a popular Mexican restaurant in my area. My husband just loves them. After sprinkling...
This is a quick and easy way to prepare dinner for the family. It's a hamburger casserole with a Mexican flair. Try it with some shredded cheese sprinkled...
I couldn't find a recipe I liked, so here is my family's version of 'curried' chicken. It brings back memories of a childhood spent enjoying food there,...
My Mexican grandmother would use leftover corn tortilla chips in our meatloaf and everyone loved it! They all wanted seconds along with the recipe. A delicious...
I got my picture in the paper for this one! My friends' husbands always fall in love with this when I bring it to parties! My 4 picky kids eat it! If you...
This is the real thing! Corn tortillas are dipped in a home made sauce, fried, filled with Mexican queso fresco, then topped with sour cream, lettuce and...
A very traditional breakfast or dessert in northeast Brazil, bananas or plantains are fried in butter and coated with cinnamon-sugar. Delicious with vanilla...
This recipe was given to me by my mother-in-law, who is from Durango, Mexico. I had to beg her for years to give this recipe to me. Finally, she gave it...
This is from an authentic Cuban recipe site, although I couldn't tell you how "authentic" it is, considering I have never been to Cuba. Serve with black...
Much lower salt than pre-made. Salt can be omitted. Great with half ground buffalo and half ground turkey breast or whatever you prefer. Buy bulk spices...
Try this easy and authentic empanada pastry dough! Quick to make since all ingredients are mixed in a food processor, then kneaded just very quickly and...
A mildly hot, and very delicious, Mexican sausage. Excellent for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Can be made into patties and cooked in a skillet, or stuffed...